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DB2 Distributed (UDB) Links

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DB2 Distributed (UDB) Links DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 and Unicode: It’s no Tower of Babel
DB2 UDB for z/OS V8 features many product changes and enhancements. But one of its most profound modifications is the implementation of Unicode. Now, character conversion has been integrated into nearly every aspect of the product. Best Customer Solutions, Inc
DB2 Distributed (UDB) Links Developing DB2 Applications: The Platform Choice is Yours
The new DB2 UDB v.8.2 may finally provide a way for both Java aficionados and .NET fans to see eye to eye. This e-book includes information on new DB2 developments with platform-specific examples. ebook from DB2 Magazine (registration required)
DB2 Distributed (UDB) Links Porting to DB2 UDB Version 8.2 from Microsoft SQL Server 2000
A discussion about porting databases and applications including a look at the most important aspects of porting applications from Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 to DB2 UDB V8.2. This article will cover the differences between the two products in database options, data definition language, data modeling, SQL considerations, data conversion, and application conversion. by Amyris Rada, IBM
DB2 Distributed (UDB) Links The Right Stuff
IBM’s DB2 UDB V8.2 features many new integration tools., event-publishing capabilities, and more. In this interview, Dr. Nelson Mattos, vice president of information integration for IBM, explains what these new features mean to developers and DBAs alike. by Kim Moutsos, DB2 Magazine
DB2 Distributed (UDB) Links Unlocking the Secrets Surrounding the Locking Behavior of the DB2 UDB Data Movement Utilities
A look at the locking behavior of DB2 UDB data movement utilities, including export, import, and load, and how to use tools such as the DB2 UDB snapshot monitor to view and acquire a better understanding of this behavior. by Roman B. Melnyk, IBM Corp.
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