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DB2 for z/OS V8 Adoption DB2 for z/OS V8 Adoption

Now that its been out for a year, people are starting to get around to thinking about maybe possibly adopting DB2 V8, sort of (probably). Why are folks so tentative? Let's examine the parameters of the adoption rate of DB2 V8 on the z/OS platform.

DB2 for z/OS Version 8 has been generally available since March 2004. Of course, there was a big maintenance "patch" that came out in June 2004, so that might be a more "realistic" GA date for this release. But I'll stick with IBM's date of March 2004. So, here it is March 2005, about a year later, and there haven't been a whole lot of shops that have rushed to upgrade to the new version. Why?

First of all, we should take a look at what is there in this latest and greatest version of DB2. Whether you've only seen an overview of DB2 V8, maybe a little more depth on V8, or very detailed V8 coverage, it is obvious that a lot has been changed. And if you've done any reading at all on V8 you can see just how extensive and invasive to the DB2 engine that this version is. Many things had to be "torn up" to add support for features like virtual storage constraint relief, long names, and a Unicode system catalog. This comes with many benefits in terms of performance and new features, but it also means a lot has changed. Indeed, folks at IBM have told us that there are more new lines of code in DB2 V8 than there were total lines of code in DB2 V1. Does anyone out there still dispute that this is a significant release?

So you'll have to do a lot of preparation and learning to migrate and support DB2 V8. Of course, we're used to the work required to migrate to a new version of DB2, but V8 is new. It adds several modes that you'll have to pass through before getting to a full-blown DB2 V8 implementation. The modes are Compatibility Mode (CM), Enabling New Function Mode (ENFM), and New Function Mode (NFM) and only the last one is really and truly V8. DB2 never had "modes" like this in the previous releases; either you were on one verion or the other and there was no grey area. For V8, there are two a grey areas: the light grey of CM and the darker grey of ENFM.

There are several interesting twists to these modes and I will not cover all of them here. Suffice it to say, it can be confusing to figure out whether you can back out to a previous mode or release from whatever current mode you are in. But the more interesting twist is the benefits that accrue from simply going to CM and staying there for awhile. I've spoken to a bunch of DB2 users who are planning on doing just that. The reason is that CM brings with it one of the most important new features of V8 - virtual storage constraint relief (VSCR). With VSCR DB2 has access to boatloads of memory and for sites that are bumping up against the limitations of DB2 V7, VSCR is a godsend. Additionally, CM brings some optimizer improvements, but no other new V8 features are available. So, you can go to CM, get VSCR and optimization improvements, without having to worry about the adoption of new V8 features (training, bugs, etc.) - and you can go back to V7 if need be. Many sites are not clamoring for the other V8 features so the thinking goes - "I'll go to CM and buy some more time before having to worry about this big, hulking new version."

Well, this is all well and good, and if I were a DBA at a major corporation I might just consider doing the same thing. The problem that seems to be cropping up is that CM is "no man's land" in terms of support. It isn't V7 and it isn't V8 and IBM doesn't want to spend a lot of time working on fixing problems in what IBM considers a throw-away piece of code. I mean, it is not like CM will necessarily be there in any future new version - at least not this one. So if you are thinking about staying in CM for a long time, consider coming up with a plan if IBM support is less than forthcoming when they find out you are "living" in CM. You might have to fall back -- or move ahead before you want to do so.

The question everyone is asking themselves is "are the new features really worth it?" And there are a lot of stories flying around "out there" about V8. Roger Miller provides IBM's take on the matter here - and Roger always discusses the issues in a reasonable and knowledgeable manner.

Let's think about some of the more enticing features, though. Yes, everyone can understand the benefits of something like online schema changes. It sounds nice, but then, the devil is in the details, isn't it? Many online schema changes require DB2 to create versions of database objects - one version like the current definition and a new version with the change. Those changes are not made immediately to the data. DB2 will keep track of the versions and convert the data from the old to the new - that is, until you run a REORG. Of course, it can be an online reorganization, but you aren't going to necessarily want to REORG (even online) after every change. So, from the time of the change until the REORG is run any queries accessing changed data will slow down (as DB2 converts from the old format to the new). Now I'm sure online schema changes will evolve and improve over the course of the next few releases of DB2, but this is what we have today. And maybe it isn't worth rushing to V8 to get this.

Likewise with data-partitioned secondary indexes (DPSIs). At first blush it sounds great to be able to partition every index on the same "key" as the table space. Then we can finally administer a single partition without impacting any other partitions. But as you investigate DPSIs you learn that they might not be as efficient as non-partitioned indexes. So, once again, maybe we don't have to rush to V8.

Now I don't want to sound like a nay-sayer. DB2 V8 has a lot of great stuff in it. But maybe, just maybe, most folks aren't yet ready for all that great stuff. In fact, many sites still haven't taken advantage of the great features added to DB2 in V5, V6, and V7. Do you use distinct types? triggers? user-defined functions? How about all of the SQL improvements? How many developers at your shop have even heard about scrollable cursors, let alone used them? Do your developers know how to code CASE expressions - and I don't just mean those simple ones in the DB2 manuals? (Watch Sheryl Larsen present on complex SQL if you want to get some great ideas about the power of CASE expressions.) What about nested table expressions (aka inline views)? Sheryl is great at explaining how to exploit  those, too.

The rapid versioning of system software has caused DBAs and systems programmers to get worn out just trying to keep up with new versions. It isn't just DB2, but every other piece of systems software, too - on PCs, mainframes, Unix boxes, and so on. Every 18 to 24 months, there is a new version that has to be purchased, installed, tested, with users trained, followed by migration to production. Whew! I get tired just thinking about it.

So fewer folks are on the cutting edge (Gartner would call them Type A enterprises). More organizations are using caution and waiting for others to work out the bugs in new versions. Instead of migrating to a new version immediately, even organizations that used to be aggressive are waiting longer. The fly in the ointment here is that it pushes out the quality cycle for a new version. I mean, if fewer "Type A organizations" then there are fewer enterprises shaking out the problems and a new version of software may have more problems for longer periods of time than it may have had in the past. I'm not saying this is the case with DB2 V8 necessarily, just that it seems to be the pervasive trend in the industry. So those "Type C" enterprises will wait even longer - because the Type A and B folks waited. But the software vendors keep on rolling out new versions every year and a half to two years. Sooner or later, something's gotta give.

What do you think? When are you going to migrate to DB2 V8 on z/OS? And how long are you going to stay in compatibility mode? Post your feedback to this blog right here so we all can take a look at your comments, ideas, and thoughts on these matters...


Friday, February 25, 2005  |  Permalink |  Comments (4)
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It depends

Posted by millerrl at 2005-04-13 01:22 PM
As usual, I tend to agree with Craig mostly, but disagree on a few points. So here are a few details. I put the biggest winners for V8 into many of my recent presentations, for example page 2 below - with a longer version for IDUG.
􀀹High availability - if you have to add parts or rotate, this is a big deal
􀀹Scalability or very large database - many limitations are busted
􀀹Java and the web - huge changes here for the current standards
􀀹Queries and data warehouses - optimization improvements don't require much work
􀀹Migrating or porting applications - most of the top concerns are addressed
􀀹Application packages - backup, recovery, management, and certified applications

Some customers get lots of storage relief from V8, but others don't get much. It depends on your storage configuration, so do the calculations and keep those measurements with IFCID 0225 in place.

There is a very tiny amount of difference between CM, ENFM and NFM code if you are not using new function. The reason that CM should not be too long is that you want to get those improvements more than you need to fallback.

V8 was not 18 to 24 months, but 36 months, so it's about time. We did not deliver much new function in the service stream, and the product quality has improved. So get out to the conferences, check in with other customers. It's migration time for many of you.

Mikey Syndrome

Posted by tmoulder at 2005-04-13 01:22 PM
What I see common is very much like the cereal commercial where everyone wanted Mikey to try it and see if he liked it before they would try it.

Here is my own perception of what is going on, distilled from many conversations with lots of customers about DB2 V8.

In the current business climate, most companies do not want any attention at all about business practices. They want no interruptions to the delivery of production services to their users or customers as the case may be. DB2 V8 is seen as a massive change to DB2. No one wants to propose a migration that has not been desk-checked, triple-checked in a low visibility development environment and signed off on by everyone above the person that actually has to do the work to make the migration happen. If there is not some external factor that absolutely requires DB2 V8 in their production environment, then everyone is willing to go slowly on V8. Another influencing factor for very large DB2 shops is the 12 month grace period from IBM for Single Version Charging of software. Many argue (and I agree with them) -- if this is the biggest release of DB2 ever and has so much new in it, then why not come up with a change to the 12 month grace period and start the 12 month clock ticking when the first production system moves into compatibility mode. It is not until then that a customer would receive true value from DB2 V8 anyway. And if this release is so massive, then the customer really needs extra test time before risking their job or their manager's job before rushing this release to production to avoid charges from IBM.

I can't say that I totally agree with all of the caution associated with migration to V8, but I am not directly affected by any problems encountered along the way. Therefore, I understand the reasons behind the caution.

For my part, I have seen V8 migration go pretty smooth. There are in my estimation a fairly large and consistent stream of PTFs for V8 that continue to come out of IBM support. It pays to be current on maintenance, but I do know that one customer ending up generating a problem because of a PTF that was in error and therefore he would have been better off if it had not put the PTF on. Having said that, I would say that the percentages are still in your favor if you put the maintenance on rather than leave it off.

I may sometimes be critical of V8 in conversations, but let's put it in perspective. Compared to any other database or operating system, I would take IBM's track record with z/OS and DB2 over any other environment anywhere for reliability. What I have also found is that IBM support is responsive to issues in V8.

These are just one person's comments, based on what I have seen. Your results may vary.
Craig Mullins
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